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Warning! Six Ministry Traps Every Leader Should Avoid Immediately

Lurking around every ministry are traps to avoid, otherwise, these are sure to cause a ministry’s downfall. Failure to recognize these will cause pain to the leader and members, and eventually will hurt the body of Christ.

At the helm of every ministry success or decline is its leader. He is to take full accountability when something is not right and needs adjustment. He must be willing to share the credit and celebrate with his staff when everything is successful. It is required of him to be careful with what to tolerate and what not to allow in his ministry.

Quotation from Heidi Baker: "If Ministry is not about compassion and passion, let it die."

For the blog: Warning! Six Ministry Traps Every Leader Should Avoid Immediately

Below are some of these ministry pitfalls a ministry leader has to be careful with.


When doubt is present, no great thing will be accomplished. Any ministry that entertains doubt stifles faith and is robbing God of His ability to work wonders in people. A doubtful ministry leader is an oxymoron, for he must be full of faith when his desire is for God to manifest his power in his ministry.

A doubtful ministry leader is an oxymoron, for he must be full of faith when his desire is for God to manifest his power in his ministry. Share on X


Gossip is one of the most effective ways to ruin a ministry. It ruins relationships and compromises the quality of work when it is born out of a gossiping environment. While secular environments can somehow, still function even when people are complaining and bickering with one another, ministries cannot thrive when gossip is present. Ministries are for people, and people have to feel safe, loved, and protected – not gossiped about.


Working for God’s kingdom requires wholehearted devotion, and when leadership or its members are apathetic with the ministry goals or the people within it, the ministry will suffer. Everyone in the team is important. Be a blessing and not a burden. Otherwise, the ministry’s progress will be too slow and the output inferior. Everyone should do their part, to be a blessing and not a burden. There should be no freeloaders in any ministry.


God detests arrogance. Treasuring up pride and arrogance in the heart will surely keep us off track on God’s purpose. Ministry members must not look at anyone with contempt. One must not think that he is the only one capable of bringing the ministry to succeed. Reliance on self and not on God and being arrogant about it is a sure way of bringing ministry to its downfall. Leaders must set an example of humility and must keep their members away from the trap of arrogance and pride.

Wandering around the vision

All ministries, even secular organizations, have a vision statement to grasp for it not to wander away from their primary purpose. Everyone must catch the vision, otherwise, people will be wasting their energies for nothing. A direction-less organization is going nowhere. When people are not guided by the vision, they will wear out their God-given gifts with little to no fruit at all. So to be successful, make sure your people are not “lost” in your purpose.

When people are not guided by the vision, they will wear out their God-given gifts with little to no fruit at all. Share on X

Unhealthy lifestyle

Leadership should be by example. An unspoken leadership role is to set the standards for everyone in the team to follow and to make sure that he is the one to uphold such standards and not a habitual rule-breaker. Nothing draws people away from the cause of God that people who live their lives in hypocrisy. An unhealthy lifestyle is a big NO in any ministry. Leaders must live their lives worthy of their calling.

Ministries are given by God and are meant for God. He is the one who gave us the abilities and personalities to fit into a ministry where we’ll be useful and will be a blessing. These ministry traps to avoid can be addressed if the whole ministry team, beginning with the leader, is fully submitted and led by God. After all, ministries should be God-led. It should focus on God and should seek the power of God. It should show the awesome works of God.

Have a fruitful, blessed ministry for the Lord!

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