Home » Sow Kindness and Watch It Grow
Sowing Kindness through Grafitti

Sowing kindness is a virtue we should practice regularly. It does not only make our day more positive it also reaps us a harvest of good things.

“Be kind. Everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle.” – Ian Maclaren.

I hate people who are inconsiderate with the feelings of others. They say things however they want to, whenever they want to. They hide their sharpness under the guise of being frank, tactless, and true to themselves. While these may be true and sometimes must be done, my take is that we need to be careful with the words that come out of our mouths. 

My mantra is that everything we say must be true, but not all truth has to be said. Always try to be kind. 

We don’t know what others go through

Most people around us are facing battles we have no idea about. Perhaps the mother of the service crew who served your food is in the hospital and is in dire need of money for a delicate operation. The jeepney driver doesn’t know whether he can still send his children to school. The single mother you last talked with is not sure where to get the next meal for her kids. We all have battles we try to hide under a fake smile. And our kindness is an encouragement for them to go on another day. Don’t withhold it from them. 

We all have battles we try to hide under a fake smile. And our kindness is an encouragement for them to go on another day. Share on X

What goes around comes around 

Have you heard of the ‘sowing and reaping principle’? It means whatever you do today will reap a harvest in the future. Sowing seeds of kindness will also reap us a harvest of kindness. But don’t be kind for the sake of getting something from people. Sometimes people give help because they are just investing in them, and are just after a debt of gratitude. Be kind because you want to be kind. 

Sowing kindness makes you likable

We are drawn to people who are kind and have a positive countenance. People seldom go anywhere near a grumpy person. Have you watched The Grinch? We’ll because he’s too negative and bitter, he doesn’t have many friends. He is not likable. Bitter people who are always angry, sarcastic, and grumpy are often alone and sad. And when they need help, it is hard for them to receive one. Be kind and surround yourself with people who will be willing to back you up when you need help.

Tact and truthfulness serve their purpose, but we can always couple them with kindness. Share on X

Sowing kindness is an important trait in making the world a better and peaceful place. Without kindness, there will always be misunderstandings and conflicts. Tact and truthfulness serve their purpose, but we can always couple them with kindness. Though there may be stories of people abusing one’s kindness, it is still an excellent virtue to have and give around.

Spread kindness. Sow it in fertile soil and watch it grow. 

How about you, do you have any stories on kindness and how it made a difference in your life or in the life of others? Share it in the comments below!

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