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Learning Never Stops

Learning Never Stops and We Should Catch Up

Learning never stops. If we will not try to catch up, we’ll lose the opportunity to grow and adapt to the changing trends in technology, academe, finance, and other areas. But aside from catching up, why do we have to bother learning continually?

Have you ever whined about your subjects in school, when you murmured how “impractical” our Maths and Sciences are, especially when you get on board in real life when you don’t know how are you going to apply those facts, figures, and formulas? I did many times. 

But I did realize that no matter how seemingly “impractical” those lessons we had before, it helped us develop the habit of acquiring knowledge. Those lessons were not really of no use. It enforced us the discipline to process information, analyze complex situations, memorize solutions to recurring problems, and much more. Learning never stops. It is a never-ending part of our lives. So the earlier you embrace this fact, the better. 

The need to learn should not stop. Here are some reasons why:

To keep pace with changing times

The world is changing fast. Trends shift almost daily. Technology updates from time to time. If we do not keep pace, we will be left behind. In the accounting profession, for example. Discussions revolve around debits, credits, ledgers, trial balances, and adjustments and their corresponding manual entries to physical ledgers and journals take up most of the discussions. But with the changing paradigms in financial markets, technology, and economy, systems and complicated transactions entered the scene. Manual recordings slowly become things of the past. So we should never stop learning to catch up. 

To maintain your passion

Your job will eventually feel like a chore that is boring and no longer challenging. To prevent this, you need to update yourself. Read more books, learn from seasoned influencers, or get a mentor. Feel the rush of new challenges. Reignite your passion by keeping things within reach. Welcome new ideas. Rekindle the flame you once had when you are just beginning to explore. You will tap your inner passion once you become inspired by the latest school of thought you learn. 

To make better conversation

Have you ever felt like you do not belong? Everyone is talking about the latest buzz and you have no idea what is going on. You want to join the discussion but things are beyond your comprehension. To avoid this, you should be in the know! If you want to be interesting, be interested. The more things you know, the more you will be able to discuss with other people. This will not only improve conversations but will also open opportunities to network with people. 

If you want to be interesting, be interested. The more things you know, the more you will be able to discuss with other people. Share on X

To keep yourself entertained

Learning is fun, or should be! It gives us a sense of satisfaction and fulfillment. Especially when a new idea pops up, or you discovered something interesting, it gives you a greater sense of purpose and excitement. On the contrary, when you don’t take time to learn, it is possible you easily get lazy or bored. Commit to lifelong learning. It pays great results. 

Your knowledge and skills remain with you

Material investments will either depreciate, lose their value, or get stolen or lost, but when you invest in yourself, you will always have your knowledge with you. As they say, knowledge is power. It is your ammunition and provision that can help you in times of need. You can even pass it to others. It sharpens your “saw” and improves your mental health. There are myriad benefits when we commit to lifelong learning. 

Material investments will either depreciate, lose their value, or get stolen or lost, but when you invest in yourself, you will always have your knowledge with you. Share on X

In what ways can we invest in ourselves and learn new things? 

Here are simple without spending money. Many of these can be accessed within the internet: 

  1. Listen to podcasts.
  2. Watch YouTube videos.
  3. Read blog posts and articles online.
  4. Read helpful books.
  5. Connect with people with the same goal.
  6. Learn from trustworthy mentors
  7. Enroll in online courses


I am an ambassador for Course Belt, an online learning platform for Filipinos, by Filipinos.

Founded in 2020, Course Belt is an innovative response to the effects of the Covid-19 Pandemic on the education sector. By leveraging technological and digital opportunities, Course Belt is able to offer quality courses and resources to keep everyone learning.

If you are looking for areas you want to delve yourself into, here are some of the cheat sheets you can check out.

If you’re ready to invest in yourself through Course Belt, use my code Marts20 for an additional 10% discount! Take note: the code is case-sensitive.

Visit: https://coursebelt.com/


Are you committed to lifelong learning? Do you believe that learning never stops? Tell me your thoughts. 

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