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Things You Need To Know About Your Pastor

7 Things You Need To Know About Your Pastor

Because our pastors responded to the call of taking care of our spiritual growth, we esteem them with high regard. And rightly so! While Jesus is our Great Shepherd, pastors serve as under-shepherds overwhelmingly tasked with leading congregations of Christ believers. And there are things you need to know about your pastor and his ministry.

If we are to describe our pastors, they are super – in every sense of the word. But behind the smiles, the handshakes, hugs and advice, there are things they would rather keep to themselves. 

If we are to describe our pastors, they are super – in every sense of the word. But behind the smiles, the handshakes, hugs and advice, there are things they would rather keep to themselves.  Share on X

There are times he gets so upset with his own issues 

Believe it or not, in addition to church affairs, pastors have their personal issues too. This may seem obvious but some members are not mindful that the pastor has his own problems to carry. He may smile at you but perhaps behind that cheerful countenance are personal struggles he fights from day in and day out. 

There are times he is overwhelmed with the demands on his resources 

Some members tend to be too demanding, and pastors carry the weight of all these demands. Inasmuch as pastors want to help everyone who comes to them, they can only do as much. Still, they willingly offer whatever they can, at the expense of their rest or wallet. Pastors are givers, but when people flock to them for assistance, perhaps deep inside they also cry for help. 

There are times, even while he’s hurting, he still prays for our spiritual growth 

Some members need to know that their pastor get offended through careless words or personal attacks guised as criticisms. Pastors have feelings too! They are not only sensitive to the promptings of the Holy Spirit but also to the murmurings and gossips directed towards them and their family. But no matter how painful, pastors still pray for their members. Their prayer: that the members will come to their senses and outgrow their childish, disrespectful attitudes. 

Some members need to know that their pastor get offended through careless words or personal attacks guised as criticisms. Pastors have feelings too! Share on X

There are times he struggles even to attend church 

Pastors get tired too, physically and emotionally. There may be periods of rest available for them but sometimes they get too exhausted to do their usual task. Inasmuch as the pastor wants to have an extended rest, sometimes he cannot do so, simply because he is a pastor and a congregation is waiting for him. Unlike an ordinary church goer, a pastor cannot afford to be late. He cannot come unprepared no matter the weather, no matter how he feels. 

There are times he cannot sleep well at night thinking of the welfare of the church 

Some jobs are done within an eight-hour time frame or more. As soon as an employee punches out his time card, his role as an employee ceases for that day. A pastor’s job is different. We need to know that he is a pastor day in, day out, 24/7. He thinks about his congregation most of the time – when someone is sick, grieving, or someone is in need of prayers. There are times when his sleep is also being interrupted because he is prompted by the Holy Spirit to pray for someone. Ministry never stops for a dedicated pastor. 

Some jobs are done within an eight-hour time frame or more. As soon as an employee punches out his time card, his role as an employee ceases for that day. A pastor’s job is different. We need to know that he is a pastor day in, day… Share on X

There are times he is frustrated over things and persons, including you 

Pastors want the best for their members. As a father to his children, he prepares the best things for them to equip them and help them grow in their spiritual walk. Yet some members learn slowly, while some never learn. A pastor gets frustrated when things don’t happen the way he expects it to happen, or when people doesn’t learn the way he intends them to learn. But still, he loves them with the love that comes from the Lord. Frustration may come from people, but inspiration comes from the Lord. 

There are times he already wants to quit 

Some pastors just want to call it off – simply because they are already fed up with the demands and frustrations in the ministry. Yet no matter how hard the pressing, most pastors push themselves even harder. We need to know that some pastors are wondering how their life would be different on the other side of their vocation, but still, they remain committed to the calling they received from the Master. They may find themselves on the brink of quitting but they refuse not to because they think about Jesus, and you. 

Some pastors just want to call it off – simply because they are already fed up with the demands and frustrations in the ministry. Yet no matter how hard the pressing, most pastors push themselves even harder. Share on X

Know that these, and many other thoughts may have gone through the mind and heart of your pastor. It is painful to see that those who labor to keep us intact in faith and maturity are sometimes the most beaten, wounded and scarred. So the next time you talk to your pastor, make sure to check him out, see what he needs at the moment, assure him of your love and most especially pray for him. He may be at the fiercest of his battle and you are his most needed companion.

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